We can and are happy to provide many written testimonals from so many happy Cleanaire customers. Below is a few extracts from satisfied Cleanaire customers.
I have one of your systems in my house and we are about to build a new house. I would like a price for a MB600-95 for the new house here in Wellington. The current house system has been working for over 6 years without fault
Prior to the system being fitted we had the worst condensation of any home I have lived in. Now the problem has all but disappeared. Our home is dry and warm.
The service you provided was excellent. The system was designed to fit our house
I cannot go back to living without the system as the air in the house feels cleaner and fresh. We have not opened the window at all since the system was installed which is great for security
One customer wrote “the Cleanaire HRV works way beyond what we had expected”. They found it quite amazing and were trying to find condensation but there was none once the system was installed.
If you would like to contact us we can provide further references or verbal contacts for you also.
Phone 0800 Dryair (0800 379 247)

Email: info@avonelectric.co.nz
Products are New Zealand made by Avon Electric Ltd.
Ph: 03 381-5595 - Fax: 03 381-5596